

Lookout and Fortra’s Data Protection

Lookout Security Service Edge (SSE) As organizations seek to utilize the broadest range of cloud capabilities to increase business agility — from email and collaboration applications to cloud infrastructure and beyond — the necessity for data loss prevention has intensified. With the need to enforce stringent data protection without preventing important business operations, practitioners are...

ITAR Compliance with Fortra

The aerospace and defense organizations operate on a global scale and handle data that needs to be protected from competitors as well as foreign military and government organizations. Competitive secrets, disparate customer requirements, and government regulations surrounding the sharing of sensitive information are critical considerations in the aerospace and defense marketplace. The U.S....

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Data at Rest

The speed of data creation continues to increase, and that means the volume of data at rest is growing exponentially. With more people accessing and storing files in a multitude of network and cloud repositories, your sensitive data could be just about anywhere. Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Data at Rest helps you discover and identify your data at rest so you can apply...

Fortra’s Data Detection Engine for Privacy Solution

The Problem In today’s interconnected and cloud-centric world, the need to protect consumer and employee personal data is becoming more and more evident. A growing number of organizations understand that ineffective or nonexistent privacy protection programs expose their business to significant risks, both from a financial and legal perspective; from costly regulatory fines and stock price drops...

NIST SP 800-171 and CUI

Meet Compliance Requirements To Protect Controlled Unclassified Information Originally imposed in 2017, NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-171, Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Information Systems and Organizations, requires all current U.S. Department of Defense contractors to be be compliant with DFARS Part 252.204-7012. Other executive branch agencies may also...

Fortra's Data Classification Suite Corporate Overview

The Foundation of Data Security Fortra’s Data Classification solutions enable organizations to classify, protect, analyze, and confidently share regulatory compliance requirements by identifying and securing unstructured data. “Forrester believes classification is the foundation for all of data security, and it’s critical for the success of other data security solutions, such as DLP, rights...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Military

Swift action to commands based on operational understanding are hallmarks of a high-performing and responsive military. And the exchange of classified and even unclassified data – often in electronic form – are the lifeblood for any military organization to thrive and achieve mission success. The key is keeping sensitive data out of the hands of the wrong people. “With the military, there is a...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Windows

With the volume and speed of data being created and shared at an all-time high, your organization’s sensitive information is likely in a myriad of locations including emails, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, PDFs, videos, and images. Should that data be exposed, it could have serious repercussions for your organization, such as reputation damage, loss of government contracts, regulatory...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Outlook Web App (DCS for OWA)

Many organizations allow their employees to access email through Web browsers to offer a more flexible work environment. Microsoft Outlook Web App (OWA*) provides users with a familiar email and calendar experience across both Windows and Mac platforms. But while convenient for users, this can make organizations more vulnerable to data leakage. Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for OWA is...

Managing Controlled Unclassified Information: The Role Of Data Classification In Meeting U.S. Government Requirements

Introduction After years of deliberation, the U.S. government’s National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has released more details of its regulation for the protection framework of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). The rule is designed to safeguard government data that has not been assigned as confidential or secret, but which...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook Whether on the desktop or in the cloud, email continues to be the primary method for sharing information among employees, customers, and partners. This presents a challenge for organizations that must protect information assets while promoting information sharing. The critical first step in...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Microsoft Office

In today’s collaborative work environments, documents are regularly shared among employees, customers, and partners. This presents a challenge to organizations that must protect information assets while promoting information sharing. The critical first step in solving this challenge is to classify documents at the time of creation, allowing the organization to identify the information’s value, and...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Desktop

As the volume of unstructured information grows, the risk of data leakage grows with it. With only a few clicks, users can copy sensitive files from their desktop to email, USB drives, instant messages, and other data leakage points. This increases the risk of serious data leaks, including the disclosure of sensitive information and intellectual property contained in PDFs, videos, images, and...

SAFEMail Client & Server

A Secure Messaging Solution for Defence and Intelligence Environments Using Microsoft Outlook & Exchange At A Glance SAFEmail® Client and Server extends COTS Microsoft Outlook and Exchange message functionality to enhance the systems to support Medium and High Grade messaging capabilities. The modular architecture of SAFEmail provides the flexibility required for defense and intelligence...

Enhancing Microsoft AIP with Classifier

Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) provides a data security infrastructure across Microsoft applications, as part of the MS Azure subscription package. MIP is a cloud-based solution which allows you to classify and label Office files and Outlook emails, which in turn drives Microsoft Azure Rights Management (RMS). The underlying aim of MIP is to help organizations capitalize on the information...

Enhancing Data Governance: Eliminating the Known Unknown

When discussing data governance tools, it’s no secret the topic of false positives is seen as one of the biggest downfalls. False positives occur when an event is triggered by the data governance policy in error, for example, a combination of numbers could be identified as a credit card number, or a reference number. This means that data can be quarantined unnecessarily, stopping people going...

Australian Privacy Act – Privacy Amendment Fact Sheet

Protect personal data and avoid financial penalties and reputational damage in the face of constantly evolving privacy legislation. Privacy laws are front and center for most countries in 2022, and Australia is no exception. The Australian Privacy Act addresses the management and handling of personal data. It applies to any organization that holds data on Australian citizens, irrespective of...

Mac Classifier Datasheet

User-centric data classification for Microsoft Office for Mac Application Suite At A Glance Apple Mac desktop and laptop devices are common amongst the senior executives of many organizations and dominate the creative and media industries. Within these communities the protection of sensitive data is paramount. According to analysts IDC, the market share for Mac devices has grown to a record 8%...

Fortra and Lookout’s Data Protection

Fortra's data classification products integrate with Lookout Cloud Security Lookout Security Service Edge (SSE) As organizations seek to utilize the broadest range of cloud capabilities to increase business agility — from email and collaboration applications to cloud infrastructure and beyond — the necessity for data loss prevention has intensified. With the need to enforce stringent data...