Fortra's Data Classification Suite

Apply flexible classification, enforce security policies, and gain visibility across all data types.

Smarter Data Classification for Stronger Security

As data privacy regulations evolve, organizations need a straightforward means of identifying, protecting, and managing sensitive information to maintain compliance. Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS)—formerly Titus—provides flexible, customizable tools to classify data accurately and enforce security policies—facilitating compliance and enhancing protection without disrupting productivity.

Enhance DLP Effectiveness

Strengthen data loss prevention by adding rich context to your data.

Seamless Integration Across Platforms

Classify and protect data across Windows, Microsoft Office, Desktop, Outlook Web App, and more.

Reduce Business Friction

Apply flexible classification without disrupting workflows or productivity.

Achieve Full Data Visibility

Leverage robust classification, identification, and reporting for complete data oversight.

Data Classifcation Demo


Key Components

Fortra's DCS comprises several intuitive tools that combine to create a comprehensive yet user-friendly data classification solution, allowing organizations to simplify complex data protection and compliance efforts. Click each component below to learn more about these powerful tools.

Product Features


Classify and Protect Across Environments 

Secure sensitive data across on-prem and cloud storage, including various file types like PDFs, videos, and ZIP files.

Strengthen Data Loss Prevention

Add rich context to your data to enhance DLP accuracy and effectiveness.


Drive Informed Business Decisions

Gain visibility into data risks and make data-driven decisions with robust classification, identification, and reporting.

Data Classification Data Select Fields

Fortra's DCS allows you to apply custom labels to your data, meaning downstream security solutions like data loss prevention will be more accurate and effective in protecting that data and providing better visibility.

Policy Manager

Fortra's DCS simplifies the process of accurately and securely applying CUI markings—a crucial requirement for CMMC certification.

Increase User Accountability and Awareness

Empower users with clear classification and handling guidelines to boost security practices.

Enable Seamless Integration

Classify and protect data across multiple platforms, including Windows, Microsoft Office, Desktop, and Outlook Web App.

Ensure Compliance

Easily comply with GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, ITAR, and more with automated data classification.

Why Customers Choose Fortra's Data Classification Suite

Time to Value

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of banking and finance organizations surveyed realized value within 3-6 months after implementing DCS for their needs.


Read our Reviews!

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Ready to Get Started?

Data classification is undoubtedly complex, but it doesn't have to be. Request a quote today to get on the road to simplified data classification for comprehensive data protection and streamlined compliance.

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