Fortra's Data Classification Suite Corporate Overview

Fortra's Data Classification Suite solutions enable organizations to discover, classify, protect, and confidently share information.

The Foundation of Data Security

Fortra’s Data Classification solutions enable organizations to classify, protect, analyze, and confidently share regulatory compliance requirements by identifying and securing unstructured data.

“Forrester believes classification is the foundation for all of data security, and it’s critical for the success of other data security solutions, such as DLP, rights management, and encryption.”
- Forrester Research Forrester’s TechRadar™: Data Security And Privacy, Q4 2017

Optimize Your Security Investments

Data Loss Prevention
Records Management
Threat Analysis

Enterprise Information Protection


Fortra’s Data Classification Suite prevents data loss by increasing user security awareness and by enforcing policies that protect sensitive information in emails, documents, and other file types – on the desktop, on mobile devices, and in the Cloud.

Identify Business Value
Transform Security Culture
Intelligent Policy Manager

How protected is your data?

Meet with one of our experts to assess your needs, and we'll walk you through our solution.

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