

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite Deployment Options

On-premises deployment While many industries are turning to the cloud for digital transformation, some organizations are not yet ready to deploy their highly sensitive data to the cloud and continue to choose on-premises. There are several reasons why an organization might choose on-premises deployment, including: Organizational/regional requirements: Depending on industry or regional...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Windows

With the volume and speed of data being created and shared at an all-time high, your organization’s sensitive information is likely in a myriad of locations including emails, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, PDFs, videos, and images. Should that data be exposed, it could have serious repercussions for your organization, such as reputation damage, loss of government contracts, regulatory...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Outlook Web App (DCS for OWA)

Many organizations allow their employees to access email through Web browsers to offer a more flexible work environment. Microsoft Outlook Web App (OWA*) provides users with a familiar email and calendar experience across both Windows and Mac platforms. But while convenient for users, this can make organizations more vulnerable to data leakage. Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for OWA is...

Managing Controlled Unclassified Information: The Role Of Data Classification In Meeting U.S. Government Requirements

Introduction After years of deliberation, the U.S. government’s National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has released more details of its regulation for the protection framework of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). The rule is designed to safeguard government data that has not been assigned as confidential or secret, but which...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook Whether on the desktop or in the cloud, email continues to be the primary method for sharing information among employees, customers, and partners. This presents a challenge for organizations that must protect information assets while promoting information sharing. The critical first step in...

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Prudential Standard CPS 234

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) helps organizations across the finance and insurance sectors meet the information security regulations mandated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Prudential Standard CPS 234. Noncompliance with APRA can result in substantial fines as well as legal risks and damage to your organization’s reputation. A data breach resulting from...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Microsoft Office

In today’s collaborative work environments, documents are regularly shared among employees, customers, and partners. This presents a challenge to organizations that must protect information assets while promoting information sharing. The critical first step in solving this challenge is to classify documents at the time of creation, allowing the organization to identify the information’s value, and...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Desktop

As the volume of unstructured information grows, the risk of data leakage grows with it. With only a few clicks, users can copy sensitive files from their desktop to email, USB drives, instant messages, and other data leakage points. This increases the risk of serious data leaks, including the disclosure of sensitive information and intellectual property contained in PDFs, videos, images, and...

Data Categorization or Data Classification?

In the last few years, there has been a dramatic shift from data classification being a “nice to have” tool, to becoming a necessity. Behind this momentum, private companies and organizations are implementing data classification using “traditional” taxonomies and schemas that work for governments and militaries but don’t necessarily translate well into...
Case Study

Classifier Suite Extends Classification Support At EU Agency

The Customer is a newly established EU agency to provide a long-term solution for the operational management of large-scale IT systems instrumental to the asylum, border management and migration policies of the EU. The agency was established in 2011, with over 200 employees and have offices throughout Europe. ...
On-Demand Webinar

Cybersecurity Threats In Europe: What You Need to Know and What to Do About Them

In this webinar, Fortra experts Paolo Cappello, Managing Director International, and Steve Jeffery, Lead Solutions Engineer, are joined by guest speaker Tope Olufon, Senior Analyst at Forrester, to review the findings of Forrester’s recent European Cybersecurity Threats Report. European cyber security professionals struggle with similar attack techniques as their global counterparts. This webinar...
On-Demand Webinar

Data Classification Take 30: Why You Need A Specialist Provider

In today’s cybersecurity market, we are seeing more vendors than before offering solutions which claim to cover all your security needs under one roof. Sure, from a business efficiency point of view this may seem like a very tempting offer – but in reality is it all too good to be true? We already know that data classification is the crucial foundation to a solid data security foundation, so the...

The Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) – Protecting Government Classified Information

Big data, data governance, data management and securing sensitive data – these are everyday challenges for Australian Government organizations, as well as making sure that sensitive data has the right security labelling applied. In this whitepaper we will explore how the Australian Protective Security Policy Framework is helping government agencies. We will examine Protective Markings, what these...

Meeting the UK Government Security Classifications (GSC) Requirements

With email the de-facto method of sharing information, government organizations must balance the need to share with the need to protect data from leakage or loss. In an effort to address a problem which is never far from the headlines, the UK Government has revised the requirements in its Government Security Classification (GSC) scheme to ensure information security, privacy and accountability. ...

Government Classification and Protective Marking Systems

Big data, data governance, data management and securing sensitive data – these are everyday challenges for government organizations around the world, as well as making sure that sensitive data has the right security labelling applied. In this whitepaper we will explore how classification and protective marking schemes are helping government organizations better secure data. We will delve into...

The Definitive Guide To Data Classification

There are two types of companies: those that run on data and those that will run on data. Infosec professionals will perennially be challenged with more to do than time, budget, and staffing will allow. The most effective method to address this is through prioritization, and in the case of your growing data, prioritization comes from data classification. This guide will show you the importance...