Data Classification with Microsoft

Get comprehensive classification across Microsoft Office and Office 365

The Challenge

For organizations, it’s always been a challenge managing the sheer quantity of unstructured data that’s created and shared by their employees. For most businesses, the majority of that data is created and shared through Microsoft Office. Organizations need the appropriate security controls in place to not only mitigate the risk of data loss but also to ensure that users are made aware of the importance of safeguarding sensitive documents. 

creating data files on a computer
Classifying Data

The Solution 

Fortra’s data classification solutions empower users to apply visual labels to documents and embed those labels into the document's metadata. These labels can help enforce an organization's rules for handling and releasing certain files and be leveraged by other downstream security solutions to protect against accidental or malicious data loss from the point the document is created to when it’s shared.  

How Fortra Can Help


Get comprehensive coverage for data classification to extend Microsoft's core suite of products, including Outlook, SharePoint, and Exchange, along with the traditional Office packages including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Our Data Classification solutions makes it easy to protect data whether you’re creating, storing, or sharing data across Office or Office 365.  

Why Should Your Organization Enhance Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)?

Fortra has flexibility and robust data classification options.
Fortra has unlimited metadata options.
Fortra can classify any file type on Windows

Enhancing Microsoft MIP In An Era Of Enhanced Regulatory Obligation

Download this guide to learn how our flexible, highly configurable classification tool will support your classification needs, not just now, but well into the future, as the compliance landscape and business requirements continue to grow.

Download our Guide

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite

DCS for Windows

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Comply with data protection regulations and secure your sensitive data wherever it lives. 

DCS for Windows

Fortra’s Classifier Suite

Microsoft Office 

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Fortra’s Office Classifier includes all of the tools necessary for users to classify documents at the point of creation with a simple, intuitive interface. Across the Microsoft Office Suite, Classifier integrates seamlessly with daily working practices, protecting against accidental or malicious data loss from the point of document creation.

Office Classifier

Data classification is critical to your organization’s success


Regulatory compliance requirements are growing by the day. For many organizations, it’s not a question of if but when the increasingly splintered compliance landscape will impact organizations. 

Fortra's data classification tools can enhance Microsoft's native tools, like Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MIP), to help comply with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, CMMC, NYDFS, CUI, ITAR and more. 

Read more: How Fortra and Microsoft Purview Information Protection Work Together 

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