Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) Intelligent Protection – Powered by Machine Learning

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite Intelligent Protection leverages industry-proven algorithms to power machine learning categorization, which identifies document categories.

Smarter data protection for your organization

When it comes to protecting sensitive data, there is no universal definition of what is sensitive and what isn’t. Most people understand that information such as social security or insurance numbers, banking information, and personal health information are confidential. But what about company-specific information such as business plans, product documentation, intellectual property, and other types of data that employees deal with on a day-to-day basis?

These grey areas pose a challenge for organizations and create further issues when it comes to protecting data consistently and accurately. Inconsistent identification, classification, and protection for similar types of company data constitute a real security risk. Context is crucial for accurate data classification, and a combination of people and technology applied to classification tasks is the best way to keep information protected today.

Seamless data protection

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) Intelligent Protection, powered by machine learning, protects your sensitive information by enabling people and technology to work smarter, not harder. This new capability provides organizations with a practical approach to enhancing their data protection programs. IT administrators can train the software to recognize and match company-specific information to the data categories they define.

Knowing the context of the data in emails, documents, and files allows your people and your technology to better identify, classify, and secure information that’s unique to your business, such as confidential financial reports, internal design documents, or public press releases. Remember, your definition of what is and isn’t sensitive is unique to your organization.


DCS Intelligent Protection, powered by machine learning, is available for Fortra’s Classification Suite for Windows and for Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Data at Rest.

How does it work?

DCS leverages industry-proven algorithms to power machine learning categorization, which identifies document categories. This approach allows organizations to build and train their own model, based on their unique data uses and needs. Combined with our Policy Manager, DCS Intelligent Protection provides a consistent, efficient, and intelligent data protection solution for your organization.

  • Enhanced productivity with classification recommendations
    Simplifies the data protection process for your employees by suggesting classifications that they can confirm with one click
  • Automatic data protection
    Automatically applies classifications for certain categories or confidence levels and protects your sensitive data based on categorization identification and the smart application of policy via Data Classification’s powerful and flexible policy engine
  • Prevention of data mishandling
    Validates or makes alternate suggestions to user-driven classifications, enhancing the accuracy of classification and policy application (Because data mishandling isn’t always by bad actors; sometimes it’s by busy people who make mistakes.)
  • Protection for data in motion and at rest
    Expands upon standard search capabilities or Reg Ex, allowing you to identify and protect company-specific document types such as board-level communications, project plans, mergers and acquisitions communications, or intellectual property as they change hands and at rest

How protected is your data?

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