Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Data at Rest

Data discovery and protection for data at rest

The line between asset and liability is blurring

The speed of data creation continues to increase, and that means the volume of data at rest is growing exponentially. With more people accessing and storing files in a multitude of network and cloud repositories, your sensitive data could be just about anywhere. Fortra’s DCS for Data at Rest helps you discover and identify your data at rest so you can apply classification, including persistent metadata, to protect your most valuable data. 


Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Data at Rest


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Discover and protect your data


DCS for Data at Rest scans locations where you store data, including on-premise shares, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Microsoft SharePoint, and SharePoint Online. It examines and automatically classifies the files it discovers, ensuring appropriate data protection is applied. And, as it scans files, our tool gathers extensive information about each file, building a data inventory for you to run analytics to identify risk areas. DCS for Data at Rest helps your organization:

Detect and understand your data at rest

Protect files with encryption and remediation options

Analyze results to better understand your data

Enhance DLP, ERM, and other security solutions

Use Machine Learning to automate classification

Return on your investment today and tomorrow

Data Inventory lets you immediately discover the type, size, age, location, owner, and access rights of your data. Automatically apply classification metadata to enhance the ability of DLP, ERM, and other security solutions to apply the appropriate controls. Protect files with encryption and remediation options. Analyze results to better understand your data and build better data protection strategies.

Enabling Rapid Search

Smarter data protection with Machine Learning

Machine learning is a term that’s being used more and more by data protection companies. Keep in mind that not all implementations of machine learning are the same. Discover how machine learning can enable organizations to improve classification and enhance data protection strategies.

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