
Specification For Information Classification


BS10010:2017 is a specification for information classification, marking, and handling (ICMH) schemes. This guidance is useful for organizations that worry about the sensitivity of the information assets they create, use, and share. BS10010:2017 intends to encourage organizations of any size to use a managed, and more consistent, approach to handling information assets on the basis of their classification and marking.

Fortra's Data Classification solutions support BS10010:2017 compliance by:

Education Users

Educating users about the sensitivity of data while ensuring adherence to corporate policy 

Security Control

Utilizing metadata labels to drive additional security controls and solutions, such as DLP, encryption, and secure collaboration

Data Management Solutions

Orchestrating data management solutions, such as data retention and archiving, to ensure adherence to data storage requirements 

Control Sensitive Data

Ensuring appropriate control of confidential or sensitive information 

Data Classification

Classifying or labeling data with visual (and metadata) labels to highlight any special handling requirements 

Alerting Users

Alerting users when personal data is leaving the organization to warn or prevent them from sending messages that contain sensitive information 

Supporting Organizations In Implementing Data Classification


This standard gives you a better understanding of how data classification can help your organization, as well as the fundamentals of creating a scheme. Data classification can deliver a significant improvement to the way sensitive information is managed, both within the user’s own organization, as well as any external organization you share information with. It can also contribute to the protection of the organization’s investments, income, reputation, and future.

The new standard has been introduced at a time where global data security regulations are being tightened. Data classification is a good place to start protecting your data in order to begin compliance with these kinds of regulations.

If your organization is looking to implement, or even talk internally about establishing a data classification scheme, this standard is a great place to start. BS10010:2017 will guide you through the setup, running, and review of a data classification scheme, giving you a framework to help kick start a project rather than having to initiate something from scratch.

Key Features Of BS10010:2017

This standard is intended to support organizations to:

Meet strategic objectives and risk management goals

Meet legal, regulatory, and standard compliance obligations

Learn how to secure, protect, and share sensitive information appropriately

Improve user understanding of the value of organizational data, and how to handle it

Learn More about Fortra's Data Classification

Find out how Fortra's flexible data classification can help drive compliance with a variety of regulations and requirements. 

Regulatory Compliance

If you're ready for a demo, let's talk about how we can help with your specific compliance needs.